Wednesday 14 March 2018

Let's Talk to "Crush"

This century has given many things to the world. But I think one of the most important is to  discuss the "Crush".
There was a time when people were in a condition of Live&die for  mere LOVE. People used to spare entire life for someone special, someone they loved.
It wasn't unusual to wait for someONE for Only one lifespan.
       But in_law of LOVE i.e crush, proved to be more Appealing,more attractive. Because its not as cruel as Love. Its more forgetting & tolerant. It doesn't bind you to be loyal, caring and supportive in true senses. Here you can be Fake. Like, The more fake you 'll be, more chances are there to be successful. Here you can share yourself to as many people as your lust wants without any terms and conditions. And nowdays its so popular that people don't even judge you if you are Crushing over 10 or 20 people at the same time. Here you don't have to worry about sacrifices and losing anyONE special. Because crush is..... You can say  Partially-damn-Special.
Nothing much 🙌

P.S : Its written in sarcastic fashion. I don't support any of above claims. 😅😂😂
#RIP_Love #Jio_crush
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